Product Comparison
Porous Pave has several porous, flexible, and "green" surfacing materials. Made from recycled tires, stone aggregate, and a proprietary binding agent.
Porous XL
Our strongest, most durable blend made out of half stone and half rubber
Porous XLR
All rubber chips and hard binder for a shock absorbent and durable surface
Porous XLM
Designed to reduce maintenance in applications where standard wood mulch would be placed
Porous XLS
Softest and blend made of only rubber chips and soft binder, safe and slip resistant
Sand Guard
A permeable and durable bunker lining system with a fast installation and no sub base needed
Product Comparison
Porous Pave XL
Porous Pave XLR
Porous Pave XLS
Sand Guard
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Sand Guard
Featured Project
Eiserman Park Walking Trail
This 10,000 square foot walking path is made up of over 40,000LB of recycled tire materials.
Porous Pave Projects
Sand Guard
Golf Course
Union League National
Bunker renovations involving, coring and clean-out bunker floors, cutting in drainage and the installation of Sand Guard over the compacted sand subfloors.
Riverbend West Nature Area
Porus Pave Inc. completed this walkway at Riverbend West Nature Area in just one day with the help of 10 installers and a paving machine.
Sand Guard
Golf Course
Forest Lake Country Club
Installation of a new bunker liner in the Club’s practice area bunker feature.
Amazing Grace Park
Amazing Grace Park, The Clementa Pinckney Memorial was created to memorialize the life of the late Senator Reverend Clementa “Clem” Pinckney.
Sand Guard
Golf Course
Hamilton Farm Golf Club
Installation of Sand Guard Bunker Lining System on the Highlands Course as part of the bunker renovation project.
Golf Course
Spring Meadow Country Club
Porous Pave was brought in to install 7,000 square feet in 2" of Porous Pave XL around their short game facility
Trusted by Businesses Nationwide Since 2007
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