Cabin in the Woods

A unique patio that was cured and functional within 24 hours.
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Customer type:


Customer profile:

The customer is trying to create something exceptional with their VRBO in the woods. They wanted their patio to always be dry and wanted to incorporate unique design features that could not be accomplished using concrete or pavers.

The install:

Because the cabin is remote, the customer loved the fact that the Porous Pave could be mixed on-site literally right next to the patio. They also loved that they were able to incorporate heart shapes into the patio and create a unique look using two different Porous Pave colors.

Customer quote:

“We love Porous Pave”!

The result:

A unique patio that was cured and functional within 24 hours and will provide great enjoyment for customers for many years to come.

Trusted by Businesses Nationwide Since 2007

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Based in Grant, Michigan
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